close up of a white man's fingers reading book in Braille
AVI (Association for the Visually Impaired) is an affiliate of BRIDGES and offers services to blind and low vision people in our community. AVI is a 224 agency funded through the County of Rockland Legislature.
Services offered include: Teachers for the Visually Impaired (TVI); Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (VRT); Orientation & Mobility Specialist (O&M); an Employment Specialist; and a Social Worker for supportive case management and information and referral services. Services also include support for older adults and transportation.
Below is a very brief description of our free services:
- Social Workers offer counseling to individuals having a difficult time adjusting to vision loss; comprehensive case management; facilitation of services and programs; and facilitate the Information and Educational Support Groups.
- Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapists teach new skills and techniques that help a person who is blind or visually impaired continue to live in the home of their choice and reach maximum levels of independence.
- Orientation and Mobility Specialists provide lessons teaching cane skills and safe travel training that may include public transportation and navigation of environments.
- The Employment Specialist works with the employer through The Job Placement Program. This is offered to individuals who are blind and visually impaired who wish to be employed or return to employment leading to an independent life. The objective is to seek and secure meaningful and gainful employment for blind and visually impaired people residing in Rockland, Orange, and Westchester Counties. This program has successfully placed people in employment settings in the Hudson Valley and New York City.
- Transportation service to medical appointments within Rockland County is also available at a minimal fee.
Additional programs include: Volunteer Program; Information and Referral; Community Outreach and Educational Program.
New York State Board of Elections’ Voter Accessible Absentee Ballot Application Request.
Contributions are voluntary and confidential and are used to expand the services for which they are received. No one will be denied services because of an inability or unwillingness to contribute. Services are funded in part by the Administration for Community Living, New York State Office for the Aging and the Rockland County Office for the Aging.
Contributions are voluntary and confidential and are used to expand the services for which they are received. No one will be denied services because of an inability or unwillingness to contribute. Services are funded in part by the Administration for Community Living, New York State Office for the Aging, Orange County Office for the Aging and the Rockland County Office for the Aging.