Vet to Vet

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Stalled by Federal and State Elected Officials
Our Veterans, families and service members need your help. The PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program was put in place to support our Veteran community by providing them with needed resources. The Dwyer Program is a critical peer resource that has been proven to work. This program provides Veterans, family, and service members with activities that connect them with one another and the community. The program saves lives, assists in crisis, and gives Veterans a light to turn to in their darkest hours. This grant is UTILIZED THROUGHOUT NEW YORK STATE by many organizations. THOUSANDS of Veterans will lose access to this program if the funds are not released!
Again, these funds have not been distributed; they are being withheld statewide. In fact, the funds may be in jeopardy of not being released at all. We need your help! Please let your local elected officials and Governor Cuomo know our Veterans deserve access to this critical resource. The pandemic has affected us all. Veterans are already at increased risk for isolation and suicide. Taking away or delaying this critical resource is putting the lives of our brave men and women at risk when they need us most. THIS GRANT AFFECTS THOUSANDS of Veterans, service members, and their families STATEWIDE.
Dwyer Program funding enables Veterans to successfully reintegrate into civilian life. Veteran peer specialists provide other Veterans with PTSD, TBI, depression, and other conditions with non-clinical support. This includes support groups, social groups, wellness programs, career/employment transition programs, financial literacy strategies, writing workshops and a host of other activities and trainings — all of which are free to any participant.
What many do not realize… The PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program is utilized in 24 counties throughout New York State. It is considered discretionary and is put on the state budget’s chopping block almost annually — held hostage by individuals trying to leverage policy at the cost of our Veteran community. New York State’s Budget: 150.1 Billion Dollars. The PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Program total budget for 24 counties: less than 4 million. This program operates successfully with minimal funding. The Veterans and community members that support this program are passionate and dedicated. Even now, with ZERO funding released, these people are serving our Veterans, many spending their personal funds to assist these Veterans in need.
Please help us get these funds released and designated as non-discretionary.
To donate to the PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program, go to: