boy smiling in classroom with pro youth logo on side

Pro-Youth Pre-Employment Transition Services (ETS) is designed to engage students with disabilities in job exploration at an early age. Our goal is to assist students with identifying career interests to be further explored through additional Pro-Youth services, including transition services. Through collaboration with our local community partners in schools, local colleges, non-profit organizations and established businesses we are able to effectively provide career readiness training, as well as assistance with college prep.

Job Exploration

Complete assessments on interests/values/strengths, explore career pathways and examine the labor market and qualifications.

Work-Readiness Training

Develop skills that employers seek such as communication, teamwork, interviewing, resume building, and more.

Work-Based Learning

Visit worksites, conduct informational interviews or participate in volunteer opportunities to gain hands-on knowledge and experience.

Counseling on Post- Secondary Education

Explore different educational options, learn about available services, and practice skills for transitioning to post-secondary education.

Promotion of Self-Advocacy

Enhance ability to effectively communicate, negotiate, or assert one's interests/needs and promote positive self-image.



Must identify as a student with a disability

• Must currently be enrolled in an educational program

• Can't have an open case with ACCES-VR

• Between ages 14-21

• Lives within Rockland County or Westchester

• Proof of disability (IEP, Medical Documentation or currently on a 504 plan)

• Is eligible for and receiving special education or related services under IDEA

• No minimum IQ required

• Must be able to work independently.


Emily Rocks
(845) 624-1366 Ext. 107

Two photos. The top photo is a long table with young adults listening to a presentation from a man in the background. There is drone equipment in front of each student and hoops hanging from the ceiling. The bottom photo is a group of eight people, including a drone instructor and two Bridges staff. The students are holding drones and smiling for the camera.