Disabled college students
Going to college as a disabled person can be challenging. When people start college, there are many unknowns – What will I major in? Can I handle the workload? Will it be too stressful? People with disabilities have additional considerations for this new experience. Young people with disabilities have to think about whether they need accommodations and how to maintain supports. They have to find ways to adapt to college life as a youth with a disability who is transitioning to adulthood. Preparation is key!
When youth transition to adulthood, some have an easier time than others. Managing a disability while transitioning to adulthood adds to the challenge. Youth with disabilities have different ways of coping and experiencing life. When we are adolescents, our parents or guardians still have a lot of control, but when we go to college and become adults, we need to manage on our own with supports like anyone else. An added challenge for youth with disabilities is that sometimes parents of disabled youth have a harder time letting go and letting youth transitioning to adulthood make their own decisions.
This article is about ways disabled youth who choose to go to college can make the transition as easy as possible. Some strategies are:
- Create a plan of action in freshman year of high school to help you choose what you want to do.
- Focus on the best that can happen.
- Remember there is a solution to every problem and use your supports to choose the solutions you want.
- Get academic and social support.
- Contact the Office of Disability Services for accommodations, if needed.
- Have a stress management plan.
- Get enough sleep, eat healthy, and get some exercise.
- Believe in what you want to communicate and do in your life.
- You are your best advocate.
- Love yourself.
- Always go back to your initial plan and make sure to adjust it as needed.
- Create deadlines for yourself and keep track of teachers’ deadlines in High School and College.
- Depend on yourself more in making and maintaining friends to make it easier in college.
- Know that college is being on your own, so make sure you have the right supports before entering college and use the supports in moderation.
- Use your plan of action to control any anxiety.